• Asia,  Thailand

    Koh Phi Phi – internal organs & Leonardo Di Caprio

    I don’t remember how old I was when I have first heard about Phi Phi, but for sure I was a child. Since then, Phi Phi islands (or island, I was sure there was only one island), where a synonym of exotic things. I simply had to go there during my trip from Thailand. There’s one problem with islands: how to get there? I googled all possibilities before going to Thailand: boat, ferry, organized trip, teleportation. And I found a solution in Ao Nang. Organized trip. Outside of the high season it’s the best price to quality ratio which you can find, with all the pros and cons of organized…

  • Asia,  Thailand

    Railay Beach – paradise on Earth

    In the search for perfect Thai beach we’re heading to Railay. Twice. And it’s not enough. We’re going by a wooden boat with engine taken straight from a car and we’re landing on a beautiful, amazing, picturesque beach. These trips by long-tail boats made me realize why everywhere in Ao Nang you can buy waterproof bags. And I have no idea why I haven’t bought one. Long-tail boat stops not directly on the beach, but few meters before sand starts. Even if you try to stay dry, a wave will come and you will end up with wet butt, wet backpack and generally you will be wet. Everywhere on the…

  • Asia,  Thailand

    Ao Nang – postcards from the seaside

      Krabi airport welcomes us with rain. The world is wet and so are our backpacks. We’re getting on a bus to the seaside and after 1 hour of being squeezed with knees right under the jaw, we’re in Ao Nang. And it’s not raining anymore. Ao Nang is a typical tourist destination by the sea. It has everything you need in a place like this: Boulevard by the sea? Checked. Stalls selling everything you can imagine? Checked Hotels, hotels and more hotels? Checked Lots of food, from street food to posh restaurants? Checked Stalls selling trips every 2 meters? Checked It’s a little bit tacky, the beach is not…

  • Asia,  Thailand

    Elephants everywhere -Chiang Mai

    Chiang Mai. A city in the north of Thailand, where you wouldn’t probably expect anything special, but it’s really great. It has mountains, it’s green, air is much fresher than in Bangkok, you can find good coffee everywhere and you can actually walk everywhere. To the market and to the store with used books in English and to 300 temples. But what’s the best in Chiang Mai? Elephants. Amazing Elephants. Caution, you’ll see a lot of elephants here. So let’s take a look at subjective list of the best things in Chiang Mai, random order: Wat Chian Man. A temple next to Wayside Guesthouse, where we stayed (which also should…

  • Asia,  Thailand

    On a bike around ruins – Ayutthaya

      7:00 – alarm goes on. In Bangkok it hurts less than in Wroclaw. 7:30 – we’re leaving to Hua Lamphong train station. I really like early morning walks. At 7:30am pavements are empty and only obstacles are big oven-like things baking something on the pavement. Apparently they didn’t fit inside a bakery. And huge gas canisters didn’t fit too. Safety first. 8:00 – we’re arriving at Hua Lamphong train station which doesn’t look Asian at all. It makes sense once you read that it was designed by Italians. We’re getting inside and… Something’s going on. In front of us there’s line of people in uniforms, standing ramrod straight. Travelers…

  • Asia,  Thailand

    One day in Bangkok

    Bangkok. The first and last place I visited in Thailand. Spoiler: Bangkok didn’t have me and let us go in the end. Sightseeing and not getting wet in the afternoon rains were my priorities, so I was waking up early and didn’t go out at all. I have to admit, I like getting up early in the morning on holidays, when streets are still empty and I can walk easily without bumping into tourists all the time (ok, ok, I know, I’m a tourist myself). Frankly speaking we spent more than one day in Bangkok, but only one involved walking around the city. The most popular tourist attractions are popular…

  • Asia,  Thailand

    Thailand – expectations vs reality

    Thailand was my first journey to east Asia. Every time I travel I have some expectations, sometimes I’m aware of them, sometimes they’re deep in my subconscious. So I decided to do a small experiment: I wrote down all expectations I had before I have left and now I’ll confront them with what I actually saw in Thailand. I’m very curious how wrong I was 🙂 I apologize if anything is too stereotypical. 3,2,1… Let me invite you to expectations vs reality contest   Expectation no. 1.: maybe it’s a raining season, but it will rain once during a day, mostly at night and will go away quickly. Reality: except…